
518 SpectroDensitometer

Source: X-Rite, Inc.

Our standard pressroom densitometer is essential for 4-color press operators. Use it to help determine which press adjustments need to be made during the run.

Our standard pressroom densitometer is essential for 4-color press operators. Use it to help determine which press adjustments need to be made during the run.

Product Features:

  • Trap feature helps quickly determine whether on-press color shifts may be due to ink rotation.
  • Check for ink consistency through the run with hue-error and grayness features—evaluate the extent of color contamination or dirtiness
  • Establish optimum density levels and objectively assess shadow detail with industry-standard print contrast feature
  • Quickly and easily measure any color bar—the built-in EFS function selects the proper feature (density, dot, trap, print contrast) based on the patch you measure
  • Upgrade using a keycode to add new features like color or spectral data
  • Only X-Rite lets you select a measurement aperture—microspot 1.6 x 3.2mm, small 2.0mm, medium 3.4mm or large 6.0mm