
Bench Top Spectrophotometer CM-3700d

Source: Konica Minolta Sensing Americas, Inc.
Demands for higher accuracy and more analysis capabilities have been increasing, particularly from R&D professionals. In response, Konica Minolta has utilized its long experience in optics and color measurement to create the CM-3700d, a high-accuracy benchtop spectrophotometer suitable for not only research and development, but also quality control or CCM applications.

A High-Accuracy Benchtop Spectrophotometer with Konica Minolta's Optical Technology for High Performance and Computer Control for Easy Operation

Demands for higher accuracy and more analysis capabilities have been increasing, particularly from R&D professionals. In response, Konica Minolta has utilized its long experience in optics and color measurement to create the CM-3700d, a high-accuracy benchtop spectrophotometer suitable for not only research and development, but also quality control or CCM applications.

The CM-3700d has performance that equals or exceeds that of most high-end benchtop spectrophotometers, with 3 measuring areas, motorized variable UV, and Specular Component Included or Excluded. The CM-3700d offers both reflectance and diffuse transmittance measurements at wavelengths from 360 to 740nm at 10nm intervals. It is compact enough to be placed next to a computer, and all functions are controlled by computer via the RS-232C interface, making the CM-3700d easy to integrate into virtually any system.

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